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Platform of Interest: Wearable Devices (Concept & Idea)

Conceptual Rationale: (Target Audience Study & Idea Pitch) Based on my research in a seperate class, I've already determined that my target audience will be based on the issue of bullying. However, instead of merely creating a game/narrative to raise public awareness, I've decided to create a concept that supports the prevention of bullying in real time via the use of wearable devices.  SOS Watch The idea is simple; to create a marketing pitch for a new type of device that may help curb bullying; namely a watch that contains a hiddent function that alerts school authorities and parents when their child/student is bullied. The watch functions to instantly record and send live audio feedback and a red alert to the parties responsible (Using a recepter.) This pitch is meant to curb school bullying in particular and to help the victim build a solid case to the event. Students who have been exposed to prevalent bullying should be able to contact school authorities w

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